Travel Man

With so many high profile shows crowding our television screens, TRAVEL MAN flies under the radar.

In my last couple of reviews I waffled on about what I pretentiously referred to as the ‘Television Revolution’ and praised the likes of Netflix and HBO for their innovative, cinematic shows such as BLOODLINE, GAME OF THRONES and whatnot.  You would be forgiven for thinking that I was some kind of undercover brand ambassador for the aforementioned television networks, infiltrating the internet in the guise of a reviewer, in order to sing the gospel of said networks like a modern day apostle. But no. I’m neither a disciple nor a secret agent.  I’m not that guy. And I will prove this to one and all by reviewing a TV programme far removed from the ‘Event Television’ of TRUE DETECTIVE, BETTER CALL SAUL et al; that programme is TRAVEL MAN: 48 HOURS IN ICELAND.


Richard Ayoade is perhaps best known to viewers as the mega geekaziod Moss in Channel 4 cult comedy THE IT CROWD, whereas others of a more highbrow persuasion will have earmarked him as a film director of much potential, as displayed in the enigmatic SUBMARINE. But let’s face it; Ayoade isn’t an obvious choice to front a travelogue… which is indeed what TRAVEL MAN: 48 HOURS IN ICELAND is; a travelogue fronted by Richard Ayoade. One must assume that TRAVEL MAN’s commissioning by Channel 4 is a direct result of Ayoade’s performance in a programme far more suited to his geeky public persona. GADGET MAN, in which Ayoade road tests various whacky inventions so that you, the viewer, don’t have to, was a wonderfully individual show in which his deadpan demeanour and verbose voice-over was fantastically funny. However, Ayoade doesn’t strike one as the outdoorsy- stroke-travelling type whatsoever… and this, it transpires, is what makes TRAVEL MAN so quirkily effective. Bravo Channel 4!

The premise is that Ayoade has, you guessed it, 48 hours at a tourist destination of (possibly) his choice (but potentially Channel 4’s); accompanying him in every episode is a different funny person of (possibly) his choice (but potentially Channel 4’s). In the first episode he cavorted (ahem) in the Catalan capital of Barcelona with funny Kathy Burke, in the second he explored (hmmm) Istanbul with the funny Adam Hills and in the third, TRAVEL MAN: 48 HOURS IN ICELAND, he braved the not-that-icy land with funny Jessica Hynes of SPACED fame.

Travel Man 1

Ayoade is a seriously cynical travel companion, overwhelmingly unenthused, and this is summed up perfectly when he finishes the show’s introductory montage with what I would suggest to Channel 4 should be TRAVEL MAN’s tag line: “We’re here… but should we have come?” This tone continues when Ayoade remarks on the startlingly sparse and stunning scenery, “very few high rises thus far,” he says. I laughed out loud. “It just seems to be nature everywhere,” says Hynes. I laughed some more.

And thus our heroes go forth, hopping on a helicopter (no expenses spared!) to visit the geothermal water springs otherwise known as Geysers… and pronounced, happily, as Geezers. Ayoade doesn’t miss the comedic opportunity of rechristening the biggest of these Geysers the Ray Winstone and the second largest the Danny Dyer. Brilliant. The pair then go for dinner and eat fermented shark and drink mashed-potato Schnapps, both of which look and sound utterly revolting; this assumption is confirmed by Ayoade when he says, “both those things are awful”… If you ever end up in Iceland avoid Hakarl and Brennivin like the plague.  Ayoade and Hynes make sure they hit the most popular attractions, checking out the Northern Lights, jumping on a boat for a spot of whale watching and visiting The Blue Lagoon, a geothermic spa. But the highlight of the episode is when the adventurers decamp to Elf School (yes, Elf School), where a bearded loon reveals that he has met nearly 900 Icelanders who have seen elves. Mental. After his elf-based lecture he says “I hope you have learned something”, Ayoade doesn’t miss a beat, “I did not”.

So there you are. If I may be so bold, I would like to suggest taking a break from all the high profile shows dominating the TV at the moment and get on All 4 and watch the three TRAVEL MAN episodes that are available on there; I guarantee you’ll find them hilarious and the laughs are set to continue next week as Ayoade takes Stephen Mangan of GREEN WING fame to Marrakesh. And I hope this proves I’m not preaching the Bible of Netflix

Catch up with the first 3 episodes of TRAVEL MAN on All 4 now. Episode 4, TRAVEL MAN: 48 HOURS IN MARRAKESH is on Channel 4 at 8:30pm on Monday 20th April.

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