
It gives me great pleasure to confirm a fourth instalment to the SHARKNADO franchise has been confirmed. Fans and film critics worldwide, can rejoice in the news that our battle with those pesky sharks is far from over.

SHARKNADO 3: OH HELL NO! Premiered last night on the SyFy channel at 10pm, where the announcement and confirmation of the fourth film was made, SHARKNADO 3 ends with a space shuttle heading towards April (Tara Reid), her fate is unknown. The voice-over then informs the audience, that the outcome of Tara is in their hands.

Now’s your chance to be part of Sharknado history,” it said, “You decide if April lives or April dies.

Her fate will be revealed in Sharknado 4. Because we’re not done yet!”

Previous SHARKNADO films have created, some-what of a stir on social media. The first film was generating 5000 tweets a minutes during its premiere on the SyFy channel. [1] With the films popularity over social media, their latest stunt #AprilLives or #AprilDies is hoping to be just as engaging, as they hope to pull a Kim Kardashian and ‘break the internet’.

The first two films sees a tornado of sharks viciously attacking LA and then New York, with Ian Ziering (Finlay ‘Fin’ Shepherd) and Tara Reid trying to save their families from the freak storms. The third film takes the sharknado to Washington, and our favourite shark killing weapon of choice, the chainsaw, is encrusted with gold. While April gives birth inside the stomach of a dead shark (yes, you have read correctly). It is for this reason that I implore you to vote for her outcome – enough said.

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