With developments in the film industry regarding the after and ongoing effects on creativity and production, film-maker Jenna Suru is focusing alongside her film-making ambitions on her new film festival, Paris International Film Festival, which is designed like her company Belle Epoque films to help bring about change.

The time is now for film-makers across the world to approach Suru and her team with their cinematic wares with invitations to submit all works from all genres in preparation for the Festival, which is scheduled to take place between February 4th and 7th, 2021. You can see more about the festival in the link below:


Suru also speaks of several key elements to encourage creative networking and to bring the community together in an event that seems destined to give people a chance to celebrate the true meaning of cinema across the board.

Amongst the key elements are the following:

A Script competition overseen by a separate jury and supported by a Festival Partner (Scriptation)

Another key desire of the Paris International Film Festival is to raise awareness of film-makers and their own individual voices, as well as being a great opportunity for their work to get seen, get press, make connections, not even mentioning the laurels and support with Paris city of course.

An incentive to submit in the form of no fewer than twenty awards with perks and opportunities for distribution etc thanks to the Festival’s key partners.

Of course, the heart of any festival is primarily features, but in the case of the Paris International Film Festival, shorts and scripts have equal consideration. Film-makers wishing to submit web-based content must be submitted in the Short Film Section (usually the pilot, but if this is not available an alternate episode). Documentary content is welcome on all fronts.

One of the other key elements of the Festival is a special section called “Breaking The Rules” .

This initiative is about welcoming unusual formats (including films shot during lock-down under unusual circumstances, Zoom, but not only).

This section, according to Suru, has been based on the unique consideration and respect for some wonderful work received that is of an unusual format.

Suru (seen here below fourth from left) is seen participating in the Paris official ceremony on the Parvis de L’Hôtel de Ville on August 25th.

Check out the official Paris International Film Festival Film Freeway page here:


Speaking recently, Suru said “Film-makers can RSVP to our newsletter on website, the Festival hosts 2 panels a month and we’re a friendly community supporting change and each other.”

Additional social media:


Other links of interest are here:

The Importance of Filming Green and How to Do It


Paris International Film Festival 2020 Preview: Festival Director / GOLDEN AGE film-maker Jenna Suru Commemorates The Liberation of Paris

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