Women in Black2


Just the tagline for this movie gives us goose-bumps; She Never Forgives. She Never Forgets. She Never Left. 

The official trailer for the spooky sequel, The Woman in Black: Angel of Death, is out and it’s going to make your blood run cold.

With the first film becoming one of the most successful contemporary horror films and grossing $127,730,736 back in 2012, its no surprise we’re getting a horrifying sequel.

Five decades after Daniel Radcliffe met his fate with THE WOMAN IN BLACK, a new set of victims arrive at Eel Marsh House not knowing what horrors await them. This time, set in 1941, two teachers arrive, after being evacuated during the Second World War. With them, is their class of sweet youngsters who soon find themselves caught in the web, of the murderous Woman in Black. 

Directed by Tom Harper and starring Helen McCrory, Jeremy Irvine and Phoebe Fox; THE WOMEN IN BLACK: ANGEL OF DEATH is set for UK release February 13th 2015.

Take a look at the trailer. Are you brave enough?


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