A new STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS TV spot was released in the last few days.

More action revelations and a sense that this gives us a similar texture to those spectacular action sequences in RETURN OF THE JEDI and REVENGE OF THE SITH.

So, little else to add except to watch for the overall reaction of fans and critics when the film bows on December 17th. I am stepping back from such feeling, as it is nigh on impossible to predict the feeling that will emerge when people see the early screenings. In London for example, the IMAX screenings are selling out to the performance and you can only book for a late night or early morning performance based on a check I made on their website.

Star Wars

The Odeon Leicester Square London, for example, in an unprecedented move to cope with demand, is opening on Christmas Day, offering staff triple pay whoever wishes to work. Christmas Day cinemagoing is not something traditional in the UK, but in America, films like THE GODFATHER PART III, GRAND CANYON and THE WOLF OF WALL STREET have bowed on Christmas Day, as it tends to be more acceptable, unlike in the UK where people tend to crowd round the TV and watch The Queen’s Speech and the TOP OF THE POPS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.. One other hurdle is that public transport is prohibitive on December 25th, so cars will be a must for customers. However, Boxing Day will definitely see a surge in demand for THE FORCE AWAKENS.

Wherever you are watching the film, I hope you have a fantastic time – and A NEW HOPE for the sequels to come, which begin next year with STAR WARS – ROGUE ONE, starring Felicity (THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING) Jones.

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