Pixels banner

New film PIXELS is not out in cinemas until August 2015, but we are getting a glimpse of what to expect after the release of a brand new set of banners for the movie.

PIXELS tells the story of videogame experts, recruited by the military to fight 1980s-era video game characters who have attacked New York. The Big Apple is not the only city under siege, as seen in the banners above, London, Paris and San Francisco are also being assaulted by Pac-Man, Centipede and Space Invaders.

The new action-comedy which stars Adam Sandler, finds extra-terrestrials misreading video feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war. They decide to attack us using versions of ships and other icons from games and mankind has to fight back. 

Peter Dinklage, Sean Bean, Josh Gad, Michelle Monaghan and Brian Cox complete the cast ensemble, with Chris Columbus bringing the movie onto the big screen.

PIXELS is set for an August 2015 release.

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