The issue of gender, being it traditional or otherwise, has become a considerable topic of discussion in these enlightened times, with media commentators questioning the essence of what it means to be of a specific or sub-gender.

Man Made

It’s not the easiest or straightforward of subjects, but film-makers find the documentary medium the best option at times to focus on the issues and questions that face not only the individuals affected, but that of the families and friends that are affected indirectly.

Producer, director and cameraman T. Cooper’s brand-new independent film documentary MAN MADE, which he also co-wrote with Allison Glock-Cooper, aims to offer some insight through four individuals who are participating in Trans FitCon, the only all trans-bodybuilding competition held regularly in Atlanta, Georgia.

Man Made

Co-executive produced by Téa Leoni, with support in part from the Sundance Institute, MAN MADE focuses on Dominic, Kennie, Mason and Rese have a common goal and a shared perspective because of their gender identities, which they are slowly and surely coming to terms with as well as those who are in their immediate support group.

It’s been an evidently challenging process for all of them, who appear to have found love outside of the traditional family units, but have found that their own relatives have embraced those elements that have provided some past concerns.

Man Made

The film is not designed to be a movie about competitive body-building, which keeps the main structure of the event they are taking part in nearer its’ climax. Nor is it meant to be a conflict-of-egos tale, as the real conflicts are within the four stories we are invited to share throughout the film’s compact and condensed ninety-eight minute running time.

Man Made

As is often the way, the complexities of upbringing, coupled with the desire to change to how they really want to be, shine through throughout this film, which reveals a shocking statistice in the tragic loss of twenty-one trans individuals in recent times, simply by coming out in the open with honesty.

MAN MADE is something to celebrate and give attention to, because it gives us a real depth to what a core group of humanity are embracing or struggling with. One hopes, however, that one day there is no need to compartmentalise gender because of the current haziness with which attitudes are conflicted with – and that events like the Trans FitCon event are embraced with equality and passion, much like Soccer has become with both male and female players getting the same kind of respect that they well and truly deserve.

Let’s embrace trans-bodybuilding and the world it celebrates in the same way, thanks to hopefully more films like MAN MADE in the future.

Man Made

MAN MADE will be Available on VOD platforms worldwide on Nov. 7th, 2019.

For more information on the film, please click on the link below:

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