Amy Schumer and Bill Hader kissing in Central Park at the "Trainwreck" set in NYC

Amy Schumer and Bill Hader star in new Red Band trailer for comedy TRAINWRECK…

Judd Apatow‘s latest flick TRAINWRECK has a brand new trailer showcasing his talent in finding the joy in human behaviour, while making it a laugh out loud comedy! 

While Apatow is well known for writing his films (KNOCKED UP, THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN) as well as sitting in the directors chair, this time round leading lady Amy Schumer has stepped in as the films screen writer. 

Schumer stars as a young women who excels at every aspect of her life except her attitude to relationships, after her rascal father drilled it into her that monogamy just doesn’t work out. In walks in Bill Hader who turns her world upside down when she realised he’s after more than just a one night stand. 

Amy Shumer’s performance looks to be one that will ensure her career as a brilliant female comedic actress is firmly carved in. 

TRAINWRECK boasts a pretty amazing casting including Tilda Swinton, Colin Quinn, Brie Larson, John Cena and LeBron James, giving this quirky comedy an extra boost of appeal. 

Take a look at the trailer and see what you think! TRAINWRECK will be release in theatres July 17th, 2015. 

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