“I know how to do this for you, and I can do it well.”

DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE is a crime drama in which two suspended police officers become involved in a criminal enterprise. S. Craig Zahler is in the director’s chair for this one and the movie boasts a stellar cast with Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn and Don Johnson to name but a few all starring in the movie.  

With the film about to hit cinemas on April 19th, Film and TV Now interviewed one of the stars from the movie, Tory Kittles.

The American actor has starred in films such as MALIBU’S MOST WANTED, GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN’, NEXT, MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN, AMERICAN HEIST and of course, DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE. Kittles took some time out of his busy schedule to talk about his latest movie:

Film and TV Now: Dragged Across Concrete encompasses the classic noir drama, with characters clearly having hazy moral judgements, in spite of their desire to do good for themselves. What was your reason for committing to the script and film?

Tory Kittles: For me everything always begins with the scribe. The first read of a script is always the most visceral and informs my decision the most, way moreso than the intellectual. When I was sent Dragged Across Concrete, I was doing Shakespeare at The Old Globe, so the last thing I was looking to do was read anything, especially something that clocked 165 pages, but once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down, Zahler’s writing was so rhythmic and poetic. He has a style of his own, and all of his character’s are rich with flaws and complexity, and when I finished it, I got the sense that it was something that was meant for me to do.

Dragged Across Concrete
Dragged Across Concrete

FTVN: Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn make a fine pairing as the two police officers who have to make a decision that could affect their careers and personal lives. What was it like working with these two?

TK: I didn’t get to work with Vince, but we’ve been pals for years, and it was him who championed me, and brought Zahler’s attention my way because they’d worked together on Brawl In Cell Block 99, in which he was phenomenal. Mel and I fell into a very easy rapport. His long time agent was the first Hollywood agent who ever signed me, the late- great Ed Limato, sharing that immediately gave us a connection. Mel is obviously one of the great filmmakers, and legendary performers, but he was also very generous, very open, and also a great listener.

Related: Read our review of Dragged Across Concrete here

FTVN: Tell us about your working relationship with S. Craig Zahler
. You have worked with Joel Schumacher on Tigerland and Phone Booth. How does his style of direction differ from Zahler’s?

TK: They’re very different, they have very different points of views that are uniquely their own, which I think all great directors have, but one thing they share and are wonderful at, is creating an environment that allows an actor’s best to show up, they both did that for me.

Dragged Across Concrete

FTVN: There is much talk at the moment on diversity and gender and as an actor with the #MeToo movement. How has the scandal affected your own creative life and choices?

TK: I’m grateful to live in a world where these conversations are being had. I don’t see it as women versus men issues, I think we’re dealing with human issues. So I’m thankful for moments when I can stand and support and listen and learn and amplify. Creatively, I think when more stories are being shown through different lenses, that only enhances our choices, which is better for the viewers.

FTVN: You worked on a similar-themed film, American Heist, with Adrien Brody and Hayden Christensen. Are you attracted to the noir genre a lot more than more conventional dramas?

TK: I don’t think so. It take it on a script by script basis, and then director by director. When it’s a writer/director, like Zahler, all the better.

FTVN: Did you have to learn how to use firearms on Dragged Across Concrete or was it something you had learned previously?

TK: I’ve played a number of characters that required being good with the gun.

Tory Kittles - Dragged Across Concrete

FTVN: How much research did you do for your character?

Not much. We closed Richard II(I was playing Bolingbroke) on a Saturday, I was on a plane on Sunday, and Zahler, Mel, Michael(Michael Jai White) and I were into the script on Monday. Zahler’s words really were the guide, but I was also at a place where I was ready to play the part. All of life’s experiences and my experiences as an actor over 24 years had prepared me. When Zahler and I talked, before he offered me the part, I simply said to him. I know how to do this for you, and I can do it well. I know this guy.

FTVN: Finally, what are your hopes and ambitions for the future?

TK: I’d rather show you than tell you.

DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE storms into cinemas April 19th, 2019.

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