Killer Croc

More and more images from the set of DC’s super villain team-up movie SUICIDE SQUAD are appearing lately. The more set photos I see the more excited for this movie I become and this is no doubt the experience a lot of fans are having as well.

One of the most interesting is a still that has only been revealed very recently. The image I am talking about is a close-up shot of Killer Croc which can be seen above. In the full cast image that was released by David Ayer not long ago it was difficult to get a detailed look at Killer Croc. This image gives us a better idea of what the prosthetics look like. We of course could tell from the full cast image that he would have scales but this is really something else. He has hardened skin on his neck and jaw line that you would see on some kind of monitor lizard or komodo dragon. He also appears to have very sharp teeth and a pointed tongue.

Deadshot 3

This image gives Will Smith‘s Deadshot a little bit more character. In the images released by Ayer he didn’t seem to have much personality, he was basically just another tough dude with a gun. Whereas in this image Floyd Lawton wears a kind of sneer. It seems from this image that Will Smith could provide the occasional bit of sarcastic comic relief in an otherwise dark movie. I say this of course because in this image there does appear to be a hint of humour in his expression.

Joker exiting car harley quinn watches

However, the most revealing images are those of The Joker and Harley Quinn. For The Joker’s costume it appears that they aren’t going for straight up clown, or even the colourful vagrant but a sort of millionaire look. The Joker is wearing fairly expensive looking clothes and of course stepping out of a flash car.

Jared Leto Joker close upHaving said that, his luxurious lifestyle doesn’t take away from the fact that he is clearly absolutely mental. He looks really threatening in these images, Jared Leto was a great choice he seems to be able to carry off the psychopath role even in a still image. What I also find interesting is that Margot Robbie is not in the Harley Quinn costume in stills from this scene, it seems the characters will not wear the iconic garb constantly, they can actually occasionally look like human beings which is no doubt a conscious decision by the director to make you weirdly sympathise with these nutters.

The joker hits Harley Quinn

From the images of this scene it appears that the writers are going with the abuse storyline with Harley constantly looking for the approval of “Mr J” and often being violently rejected. This is the most effective way to make the audience really hate Joker. They are going all the way with making Leto’s incarnation of The Joker a complete monster.

Harley Quinn pulls a gun on the joker

Having said that, from the image above it is clear that Quinn isn’t at all helpless. This photo is obviously from the moment in the film where Quinn finally snaps and draw a gun on the clown prince of darkness.

This DC movie looks to have a really interesting plot and set of characters. It is to be the first villain team-up movie in history, to my knowledge anyway, so pretty ground breaking as well.

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