

Somebody is in Snyder’s bad books after an anonymous extra on the set of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice broke his confidentiality agreement and blabbed about some top secret possible movie news.

If you want to stay pure for your first viewing of Dawn of Justice, I seriously suggest you stop bail now!

A Michigan based man spoke to WILX about the major movie. The snitch apparently broke the news that Batman’s famous crime-fighting sidekick, Robin, would definitely feature in the movie and she’ll be a female companion. This has lead to whispers about who might play such a kick-ass character and word on the street is The Hunger Games actress, Jenna Malone, is up for the job. We think Malone is super cool and would be an awesome Robin!

As well as this, the Spoiler of Michigan was witness to a major scene between Lex Luther, played by Jessie Eisenberg, and Bruce Wayne, played by Ben Affleck, which will require major special effects, fireworks and explosions! Interesting that he mentioned it was Bruce Wayne and not Batman taking on Luther in this particular scene…

With the potential of a $5 million lawsuit for anybody who blabs, we’re not surprised he’s remained anonymous…naughty extra!

You can listen to the full report here


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