
Get ready to meet a new action hero….

Marvel Cinematic Universe maestros Anthony and Joe Russo are set to bring another comic book to the big screen for Twentieth Century Fox. The brothers are attached to produce an adaptation of Kyle Starks’ graphic novel SEXCASTLE, originally published in 2014 as an eBook and again in 2015 by Image Comics.

The team behind Comedy Central’s WORKAHOLICS, Kyle Newacheck and Blake Anderson are attached to direct with the latter also starring.

SEXCASTLE is a throwback to action movie’s of yesteryear, following the World’s Greatest Assassin Shane Sexcastle whose only want is to settle down in a small town and sell flowers. Praised as one of the funniest graphic novels of 2015, SEXCASTLE acts as a parody of 1980s blockbusters with just as many non-stop fights and added ninjas.

The SEXCASTLE movie will undoubtedly be full of all the things which made the DIE HARD, LETHAL WEAPON and other franchises great and not so great. They’ll be plenty of:

  • Cars and Pepsi cans going boom for no reason.
  • The heroe(s) possessing a magic gun with never ending rounds of ammunition.
  • Arch-villains channelling Hans Gruber to make it to the top of the ‘Evil European Bastard’ league.
  • The hero trash talking the villains and vice versa, in the testosterone fuelled contest to prove who has the bigger gun.
  • Arch-villains obsessing over being the one to kill the hero, as their henchmen are picked off one-by-one and they’ve revealed an elaborate megalomaniacal masterplan.
  • Gym bunny henchmen dismissing injuries sustained from being: hit repeatedly in the face with a chair, set on fire, and thrown off a building as ‘flesh wounds.’ If those guys haven’t been shot in the head, they aren’t dead just majorly pissed off.
  • The hero having to spare the arch-villain in their final showdown to prove how much of a ‘good guy’ they are.

If SEXCASTLE contains all of that, and a few cheesey one liners it’s either a guaranteed classic or a stinking turkey.

A release date is yet to be announced.

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